Others/chorokJK (from Twitter)

2012년 10월12일 Twitter 이야기

cho-rok(초록) 2012. 10. 12. 23:59
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    Kim Jong Kook Here I Am CD Review - YouTube - https://t.co/ECWKape1
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    @kjklove0 저도 마찬가진데 그냥 느꼈어요^^. 그런데 좀 피곤해 보이시고 순위도 그랬으니까 그런 영향도 있을지도 모르겠네요ㅠㅠ. 립싱 가능성도 전면적으로 부정되지 않고요. 누구신가 답을 주셨어요?^^
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    @May_Maylinda I don't know it. sorry. but KJK loves HAHA!
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    @laily407 haha! I don't care it. my son is older than you. I'm only a elder fan who love KJK. love isn't carried away age. how about:)?
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    @noripyon0323 はろ?
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    Today's KJK is.. Kim Jong Kook - Can't Forget (mot i.. - https://t.co/kLI13Xyi ♪you left me with icy word, but I can't forget you. I don't
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    @May_Maylinda I don't know, too. not far. I think he and his office watch another so many singers, cuz he is a singer who must to win!
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    @laily407 yes! thank you sis, dongsaeng! but I'm new fan. from 4th, 2006.
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    @noripyon0323 はろまんて、あるの?はろーきてぃ?
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    @noripyon0323 届きました!昨日届いてたみたいなんですが、遠出してたので、疲れて夕食作ってそのまま眠ったらしく、先ほどみつけました。おてがみ読んで、じーんとしてました。noちゃん…。涙流れるよ…。どうしよう。
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    【Papitus】ついに〜!! 7集に関する消息が、公示に! フリートーク室にも、会長の檄が!!! http://t.co/PqccgysS
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    @JK_Papitus 이 소식을 얼마나 기다렸을까요? 아주아주 기다렸습니다. 쌍무지개를 봤을때부터 대박을 믿고 의심하지 않습니다. 온몸 힘을 닿해서 응원하겠습니다^^!!!
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    @JK_Papitus 역시 국님은 멋지세요~! 매니자님 결혼 축하 드립니다~^^! 근데 서운한 마음으로 또 우시지는 않으시겠죠^^;?
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    【7集 翻訳1】ついに待ちに待ったジョングクさんの7集アルバムが、10月23日、先行公開されます。アルバム発売とカムバックステージの日程は、Papitus cafeとTwitterで追って公示する予定です。 http://t.co/5VXJwqLf via @JK_Papitus
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    【7集】【公式Twitter翻訳2】この秋、とてもステキでビッグな贈り物になることでしょう。ドキドキする心で少しだけ、待つことにしましょう^^。 http://t.co/5VXJwqLf via @JK_Papitus
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    http://t.co/ZozSBfKd @JK_Papitus 12年前なら一番苦しい時…。
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    @noripyon0323 まだ、お手紙読んで、泣いただけで、usb、見れてないのです。パソコンに無理をさせて、青息吐息で…。どうしてもダメだったら、スマホでusbを見られるセットを買ってきて見ます!
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    @usi_yuka @noripyon0323 しいたけ?肉まんですか!ななじゅういちさんかな?
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    @poricchi 頑張って洗い流して。まっさらな気持ちで7集を聞けるように。
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    KJK Manager Wedding Cost+Car '12years of Generous Friendship'

    KJK is showing his friendship along (cont) http://t.co/LqBVSPkm
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    Jong Kook oppa's new album is coming out on Oct. 23! I'm so excited for it♥ Finally! Hehee ^^
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    Kim Jong Kook will release a new song from upcoming 7th album on 23oct!!
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    Kim Jong Kook will release a new song from his upcoming 7th Album on 23Oct2012!!
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    PDjay 17:48|
    역시 능력자횽~!! ^_^ RT @mante7: 김종국 매니저 결혼비용+승용차 쾌척 ‘12년 통큰우정’ http://t.co/J1qVFPyq
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    mante7 17:48|
    [EP.115 RunningMan Official PHOTO] Mission -2 http://t.co/XvFa3ZmP http://t.co/OCQsWBye
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    RT @mante7: [EP.115 RunningMan Official PHOTO] Jong Kook & Moon Geun Young http://t.co/AE4kIbCw http://t.co/dDN02Umt
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    @kiiiiie1224 RT ありがとうございます!
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    선공개 기사가 나왔으니...ㅋ
    늘 그렇듯 좋은노래
    멋진 사진 많습니다.
    완전 기대하세요!!! ㅋ
    김종국 7집 정규앨범 커밍쑤~운~!
    PHOTOGRAPH by G.o.M.
    (Via KJKGlobal) http://t.co/aKXRDqCH
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    @gloryeunhee ㅠㅠ 공감
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    一起工作12年的经纪人结婚,金钟国负担结婚费用 http://t.co/b80zZFGB
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    文根英-东方神起一同出演“Running Man”,14日播出 http://t.co/ix9HS3xQ
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    @gloryeunhee 길고 긴 2년.. 부디 대박 나시길.. ㅠㅠ 티비에서 길게 보고 싶어요.
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    11워이래요^^. RT @zblue07: [45] 5월 컴백이라던 김종국은
    대체 언제 컴백하는가!!!!!!!!!!!!! #ZBot
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    김종국, 아참 나는가수지…컴백 - 중앙일보 연예 http://t.co/vQ00r0e3
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    @gloryeunhee 기시에는 11월초라고 있네요. 혹시 엠카운트다운부터 1일에 컴백? 아니면 인연 깊은 sbs부터인가요?^^
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    @jon9kook ドキドキして、涙はにじむし、動悸で胸が痛いし(ToT)。でも、ウレシイ。
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    ランニングマンに出てるジョングクひょんの歌声が優しすぎる件p////q (MNet視聴中)
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    @donkyung69 ありがとうございます~2年9か月ぶりです。新しい番組を始めた時は、もう音楽界に戻ることを諦めたのかと思いました(T_T)。
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    @kiiiiie1224 ありがとうございます。プロフィールのジョングクさんの名前が光って見えました(笑)。フォロー返しさせていただきました。あ、これから、一層つぶやき激しくなると思うので、いつでも外してもらって大丈夫です。リストにでも入れて、時々思い出してね(笑)(笑)
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    @amicachan あ、そうだ、と、思い出さねばならないほど、待たせてくれましたが、やっと戻ってくれました!
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    @May_Maylinda yes! yes! yes! I heard! wonderful things!!!
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    @otykyo やっと、帰ってきます。もう、それだけで嬉しい(;_;)。
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    @gloryeunhee 그런데 기사 제목이 너무 웃겨서.. 계속 음반작업을 해오셨으니 그런 일이 있을리가 없을리가 없는데 웃겨요.ㅋㅋ
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    @keimamajk 嬉しいですね。頭のなかでは、桜色が回っていますが…。記事も追いきれないほどに、たくさん出てほしい。
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    @gloryeunhee ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
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    어머 맛나겠어요~^^. RT @ilsang: 맛있는 저녁 되세요~^^ http://t.co/T3toWjfi
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    문득 보고 싶을때 날 찾아도 돼요 아무말도 하지않고 울고 싶어질 때 하나 부탁할게요 부디 혼자서 우는일 있어선 안돼요 나같은 그대는 싫어요 내게로 와요 [친구에게-김종국]
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    [Breaking] Remember the rumour about Kim Jong Kook's wedding? Turns out to be him just helping to get a hall for his manager's wedding.
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    @PapitusINA yes! He paid all costs of the wedding. So, he had to go to the wedding hall. KJK is cool!!
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    @keimamajk かけつけ3枚ですね^^;。keimamaさんのブイサインの顔が浜松のジョングクさんに見えます…。←舞い上がりすぎ
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    @noripyon0323 見れました!歌が入ってるのも、入ってないのも、ぽんgちゃんも、noちゃんも、かぷちゃんもaちゃんも、感動。あ、緑の人、また、くりぬいてしまった…。
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    In conclusion, KJK isn't in a marriage, rather he was helping his manager's wedding, and on the bright side,KJK's single is coming 23rd Oct!
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    @keimamajk ニヤリ(☆_,☆o)
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    @PapitusINA news said the manager met with KJK 12years ago, and be all through the time. then KJK was hardest that thought he must resign.
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    '김종국 컴백' 검색해도 다음에서도 트윗에서도 그다지 뜨지 않는다. 왜? '능력자의 컴백','왕의 귀한'인데 이 세상에서 그 많은 김종국 팬들이 일세히 없애버렸나???
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    KJK's muscles! OMG i cant
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    Jongkook & Haha!
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    @SpartAceCouple @RMdoodle so cute! but the manager who will marry in October, not Gapjin. anotger manager.
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    @kjklove0 날짜 잡히면 많이 뜰까요? 아주아주 오랜만에 나오실만큼 이번에는 꼭 대박 나셔야겠죠? ㅜㅜ