Others/chorokJK (from Twitter)
2014년 2월24일 Twitter 이야기
2014. 2. 24. 23:59
Running Man Cake by Running Man french Fans <3 @KJKGlobal @chorokJK @mc_garyjihyo @SpartAceCouple @spartakookie http://t.co/Dcl5ZiTWYwRetweeted bychorokJK
@RunningMan_Fr great. Did you send it to Australia?
【長期冬眠のお知らせ】 http://t.co/nTgeQ2Lp6x ながらくありがとうございました。(jongちゃん大好き キム・ジョングクわ~るど)
【キム・ジョングク JAPAN FCオープニングパーティ’14 開催決定! | K-PLAZA http://t.co/VbVWt6fLAB 】←韓国の音楽史を背負うは、大袈裟ですが、東南アジア/中華圏にバラエティの韓流の道をつけた功労者の一人であることは間違いない(笑)。
Retweeted bychorokJK
KJK and Rain spotted filming Running Man in Melbourne today. (Cr.weibo via.@KimJongKookPHL) http://t.co/Xj2ziRUmf2Retweeted bychorokJK
hands?RT @KJK_Indonesia:KJK and Rain spotted filming RunningMan in Melbourne today (Cr.as tagged via.@KimJongKookPHL) http://t.co/9I8sqmTt54
@KJK_Indonesia disappointed. lol
240214 Kim Jong Kook during Running Man Filming in Australia. (cr kjkchina via papitus cafe) - 11 http://t.co/esZoly29JJRetweeted bychorokJK
240214 Kim Jong Kook during Running Man Filming in Australia. (cr kjkchina via papitus cafe) - 10 http://t.co/UOAVasxJWJRetweeted bychorokJK
Baby! RT @KJKINTL: 240214 Kim Jong Kook during Running Man Filming in Australia. (cr kjkchina via papitus cafe) - 10 http://t.co/oKNqEwFMY8