@noripyon0323 傷口が炎症おこしていた、と言う記事の内容が本当なら、もう良いころかな?と。映像の感じではスタスタ歩いてたけど…。
@donkyung69 @amicachan 音盤作業中なんですか!それはとても楽しみです。発売が決まったらまた教えてください。ジョングクさんには、アジア方面に本当にまめなファンたちがいて、ランニングマンの人気を支えてくれているのです。見習いたいです。
@yukinekom たくさんのファンに挨拶しながら、通りすぎていくジョングクさん、めちゃめちゃ感動。
ギョンミンさん、歌手モードにお着替え! http://t.co/Q6c8ilCuniRetweeted bychorokJK
能力者には負けないと言い張るテヒョンさん http://t.co/S3IuLWiZyiRetweeted bychorokJK
Kim Jong Kook Fanmeet in Singapore. It was really awesome & i believe everyone confirm had fun just now :) #KJKinSG http://t.co/AOkwq9fJWhRetweeted bychorokJK
These are the songs that he sang at SG fanmeeting...
1.Today More Than Yesterday
2.Men Are All Like That
3.Don't Be Good To Me
4.LetterRetweeted bychorokJK -
5.Saying I Love You
7.One ManRetweeted bychorokJK -
Setlist song src: KJKGlobalRetweeted bychorokJK
@KJK_Indonesia I love all song that he sang at SG fanmeet!!
キム・ジョングク 小学生に大人気話、いただきました~www http://t.co/mNNhVRfgPTRetweeted bychorokJK
@amicachan 可愛い二人です~~~❤ http://t.co/Z7Uqjod5fVRetweeted bychorokJK
アジョシ2人、がんばって踊っておりますwww http://t.co/DBdZ1zEGWpRetweeted bychorokJK
Jong Kook is the most friendliest celeb I ever met. Next to suzy ❤Retweeted bychorokJK
テヒョンssi キタヨ~ @スケッチブック http://t.co/usS6YLOgkTRetweeted bychorokJK
ただ今シンガポール公演中..シンガポールのファンの皆さまありがとうございます^^ RT カプちゃんマネさん(@dduksan)より: 지금은 싱가폴 공연중... 싱가폴 팬여러분 감사합니다^^ http://t.co/r9BfhXcB9f
Listening to KJK while going home. Gonna see him tomorrow again. This time with nikki ! Have a good rest hyung ! #kjkinsg #kjkinsingaporeRetweeted bychorokJK
Retweeted bychorokJK
Do stay tune KJKSingapore on Sunday or Monday for more Kim Jong Kook in SG photo^^Retweeted bychorokJK
KJK's ideal type: Medium hair, big eyes, small is ok too, no glasses, moderate height, sporty girls, skirt & loud voice! Cr.@RunningManVirusRetweeted bychorokJK
@keimamajk @yukinekom お、ご覧になったんですか。
Tug-of-war!!! (via MeRadio, shared by KJKGlobal) http://t.co/tWpvNqYu5jRetweeted bychorokJK
[NEWS]130222 Running Man’s Kim Jong Kook Charms at Singapore Press Conference http://t.co/RKnEIW7c3vRetweeted bychorokJK
Kim Jong Kook's presscon http://t.co/bqxCSq3Oeu (via MeRadio, shared by KJKGlobal)Retweeted bychorokJK
Kookie's hand is bigger than mine. OmoRetweeted bychorokJK
Kookie hugged me !!!!!! OmooooRetweeted bychorokJK
[PIC] 130222 KJK @ Singapore FM Press Conference_8 (cr: herworldplus) http://t.co/nS43agnCqbRetweeted bychorokJK
[PIC] 130222 KJK @ Singapore FM Press Conference_7 (cr: herworldplus) http://t.co/sUzVzfjmGURetweeted bychorokJK
[PIC] 130222 KJK @ Singapore FM Press Conference_6 (cr: herworldplus) http://t.co/GevsFE3AwvRetweeted bychorokJK
[PIC] 130222 KJK @ Singapore FM Press Conference_5 (cr: herworldplus) http://t.co/P2gAZvzUm5Retweeted bychorokJK
Yoon Eun Hye goes chic and sophisticated for ‘W’ http://t.co/ha2Uu4LkBtRetweeted bychorokJK
@keimamajk @yukinekom それは、もちろん!
[PIC] 130222 KJK @ Singapore FM Press Conference_3 (cr: herworldplus) http://t.co/kErCAJQ7ecRetweeted bychorokJK
[PIC] 130222 KJK @ Singapore FM Press Conference_2 (cr: herworldplus) http://t.co/J5iTEY46qxRetweeted bychorokJK
[PIC] 130222 KJK @ Singapore FM Press Conference_1 (cr: herworldplus) http://t.co/vHLI4gy7jQRetweeted bychorokJK
(^^) RT @KJK_Indonesia They're playing the flamingo game. I hope JK's foot is okay now... (And I think it is!)Retweeted bychorokJK
Retweeted bychorokJK
RT @kourier_co: [#KJKinSG] Flamingo game earlier and now tug-of-war with KJK! Him wearing gloves: 'Cos I am human'Retweeted bychorokJK
Retweeted bychorokJK
Jong Kook tears of 2 name tag tonightRetweeted bychorokJK
[#KJKinSG] Jongkook is playing tug-of-war with the lucky fans http://t.co/KIFSGJ8nJzRetweeted bychorokJK
RT @RunningManCast: [#KJKinSG] Kim Jong Kook's first impression of Singapore - very clean and have big treesRetweeted bychorokJK
"@sgXCLUSIVE: Kim Jong Kook promised to speak to the PD to bring Running Man to Singapore #KJKinSG"Retweeted bychorokJK
RT @kourier_co:[#KJKinSG] MC teaching KJK to call kwangsoo 'sotong' when he goes back to Korea but he says it sounds like cow dung in KoreanRetweeted bychorokJK
They're playing the flamingo game. I hope JK's foot is okay now... (And I think it is!)Retweeted bychorokJK
Kyaaaaaa he's tearing the MC's nametag~Retweeted bychorokJK
RT @kourier_co: [#KJKinSG] Jong Kook's speaking in English and the full Kallang Theatre's super hyped!Retweeted bychorokJK
And he tells him some SG language for daily use which unfortunately, I don't understand...Retweeted bychorokJK
RT @kourier_co: [#KJKinSG] Starting with the popular Today More Than Yesterday!Retweeted bychorokJK
The MC is asking about his impression about SG.Retweeted bychorokJK
Today More Than Yesterday~Retweeted bychorokJK
KJK after press conference - 12 ( cr onETVAsia) http://t.co/pgigvmrnXNRetweeted bychorokJK
KJK after press conference - 12 ( cr onETVAsia) http://t.co/lLCGkaNKj3Retweeted bychorokJK
KJK after press conference - 8 ( cr KJK TaiwanFamily fb) http://t.co/Zzu1qe79rfRetweeted bychorokJK
KJK after press conference - 10 ( cr onETVAsia) http://t.co/NxEdIHbOA0Retweeted bychorokJK
KJK after press conference - 11 ( cr onETVAsia) http://t.co/aSPKsBIlbARetweeted bychorokJK
KJK after press conference - 9 ( cr onETVAsia) http://t.co/bVTBJ7qMWtRetweeted bychorokJK
KJK after press conference - 7 ( cr KJK TaiwanFamily fb) http://t.co/clCdc9Ne7gRetweeted bychorokJK
KJK after press conference - 6 ( cr KJK TaiwanFamily fb) http://t.co/MlZ6Dex0ssRetweeted bychorokJK
KJK after press conference - 5 ( cr KJK TaiwanFamily fb) http://t.co/ck943camOFRetweeted bychorokJK
KJK after press conference - 4 ( cr KJK TaiwanFamily fb) http://t.co/8hoYdv9tOARetweeted bychorokJK
KJK in press conference - 2 ( cr Teenage) http://t.co/6t8Wg1Qq2QRetweeted bychorokJK
KJK after press conference - 3 ( cr KJK TaiwanFamily fb) http://t.co/biLzwdW1JsRetweeted bychorokJK
KJK in press conference - 1 ( cr MeRadio) http://t.co/KrwxWHHX4FRetweeted bychorokJK
#KimJongKook 김종국 2013.02.22 After press conference (cr KJK Taiwan FB, onETVASIA, via @kjksingapore) http://t.co/hy2Fuv5Z1ORetweeted bychorokJK
#KimJongKook 김종국 2013.02.22 at press conference (cr onETVASIA, Teenage, via @kjksingapore) http://t.co/pSVY55c1jARetweeted bychorokJK
[TRANS][ARTICLE] KJKGlobal on ZaoBao about Kim Jong Kook http://t.co/XgmP6FgyuMRetweeted bychorokJK
Running Man’s Kim Jong Kook charms at Singapore press conference... http://t.co/7nABIWIYTWRetweeted bychorokJK
[PIC] #KimJongKook 김종국 The Commander after press conference - 13 ( cr onETVAsia via @KJKSingapore ) http://t.co/xVydubkD1j #KJKinSGRetweeted bychorokJK
[PIC] #KimJongKook 김종국 Mr.Muscle Man! in press conference - 11 ( cr onETVAsia via @KJKSingapore ) http://t.co/dho9itO4oJ #KJKinSGRetweeted bychorokJK
[PIC] #KimJongKook 김종국 always smiling in press conference - 10 ( cr onETVAsia via @KJKSingapore ) http://t.co/NNFTTjHQvu #KJKInSGRetweeted bychorokJK
[PIC] BIG SMILE of #KimJongKook 김종국 after press conference ^^ - 9 ( cr onETVAsia via @KJKSingapore ) http://t.co/SrXECqL3I2 #KJKinSGRetweeted bychorokJK
[PIC] #KimJongKook 김종국 after press conference - 5 ( cr KJK TaiwanFamily fb via @KJKSingapore ) http://t.co/okSRPivoab #KJKinSGRetweeted bychorokJK
Retweeted bychorokJK
[#KJKinSG] At Kim Jong Kook's showcase event. It's starting soon~ http://t.co/TdKQTuoVSWRetweeted bychorokJK
キム・ジョングク&イ・グァンス!!! RT @k_plaza_com: 今回のCOSMO MEN(コスモメン)は、イ・ジョンジェが表紙を飾っています。http://t.co/rSvIpr3SC3
Kim Jong Kook hyung shoulder muscle is no joke !Retweeted bychorokJK
"@cherryleen_tan: Singapore Fanmeeting Interview - Kim Jong Kook shares his keep fit secrets http://t.co/mKyeePPNem via @youtube"Retweeted bychorokJK
" RT @cherryleen_tan: Singapore Fanmeeting Interview - Kim Jong Kook shares his keep fit secrets http://t.co/HpWuSnJ1o7 via @youtube "
Retweeted bychorokJK
@keimamajk @yukinekom いま見たのですが、一緒に笑いたいのに、笑えない…。英語勉強しますですTT。
#KJKinSG 2013.02.22 Playing tug-of-war with selected fans at FM in Kallang Teather - 1 (pic cre as… http://t.co/MPesDV33YgRetweeted bychorokJK
#KJKinSG 2013.02.22 at FM in Kallang Teather - 4 (pic cre as tagged, via KJKGlobal FB) http://t.co/zJVTNVZfK2Retweeted bychorokJK
#KJKinSG 2013.02.22 at FM in Kallang Teather - 3 (pic cre as tagged, via KJKGlobal FB) http://t.co/ULzsg8BIWoRetweeted bychorokJK
#KJKinSG 2013.02.22 at FM in Kallang Teather - 2 (pic cre as tagged, via KJKGlobal FB) http://t.co/9TEH04itNCRetweeted bychorokJK
#KJKinSG 2013.02.22 at FM in Kallang Teather - 1 (pic cre as tagged, via KJKGlobal FB) http://t.co/3ZM8czvvbjRetweeted bychorokJK
#KJKinSG 김종국 2013.02.22 (cr to KJKGlobal) These are the songs that he sang at SG (cont) http://t.co/fiKhjsAMHWRetweeted bychorokJK
@noripyon0323 だって誰かが「健康がなにより大切です」って言うから。
Met runners/kookies from Malaysia, indonesia and also Korea there ! My hangul level up by a little.Retweeted bychorokJK
@tentenco7 はい。ありがとうございます。ドキドキしてます。
@noripyon0323 この番組見た人○名様に、健康食品(が大好きな歌う筋肉マン)をおまけにお付けいたします。(-.-)Zzz・・・・ぽちっ
@noripyon0323 うるさいけど、誉め上手らしいから、大丈夫。あなたもみるみる筋肉ウーマンに。
Retweeted bychorokJK
Retweeted bychorokJK
Retweeted bychorokJK
@noripyon0323 えー、だってひどいんだよ~。
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